Coordinating Grid-Edge Resources for Grid Services: Scalability and Security
讲座地点:腾讯会议(699 471 958)

刘铭玺博士于2016年和2014年分别获得加拿大政府NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship和NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship。其研究先后获得加拿大NSERC、美国NSF、加利福尼亚州能源委员会及美国能源部的资助。刘铭玺博士目前担任IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering和IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society的副主编,并担任多家国际期刊审稿人,包括:Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid等。
Grid-edge resources (GER), including distributed energy resources, grid-interactive efficient buildings, electric vehicles, and controllable loads, are the most suitable and sustainable solution to power grid reliability enhancement in the deeply decarbonized era. This prospect, though fundamentally feasible, is practically limited by the considerable heterogeneity and spatial distribution of the GERs, which are keys to forming the power flexibility but introduce extensive control complexity; it is also confined by the privacy and cyber-security vulnerabilities. Hasty deployment of GER control with any of these issues unsettled will lead to catastrophic grid instability events. A tremendously promising solution is to forge a control framework that holistically manages scalability, privacy, and cyber-security, which if successful can fully unleash small-scale GERs for grid services in a reliable, computationally efficient, and cost-effective manner. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss our recent results on the development of a two-facet scalable decentralized optimization algorithm. In the second part, I will introduce how we synthesize cryptology and decentralized optimization to form a privacy-preserving optimization paradigm. In the end, I will discuss the open problems in this area and briefly talk about our future directions.